Some people lose faith in a loving God when pain and suffering come their way. Loss of a loved one, an accident or a natural diaster can strengthen people’s faith or turn them away from the God they thought they knew.

When a tsunami or disaster hits the very people who claim not to believe in God blame Him. “What sort of a God would allow these events to take place?” they ask. Christians know they serve a holy God who has promised one day to eradicate all pain and suffering.

The only way to eradicate suffering (which first came through Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God) would be to eradicate people from the earth for it is they who cause pain and suffering. If everyone who is selfish, who lies, who speaks hurtful words about others, who cheats, or exaggerates, or criticizes, who is full of pride or boasts were eradicated there would be no one left.

People tend to compare themselves with a murderer or rapist or with someone who cheats on their partner and then feel pretty good about how they measure up. However when we measure ourselves against the Lord Jesus Christ we all fail miserably. That is why God allowed wicked men to murder the only innocent One to ever live – the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus took our sinfulness and in return gave us righteousness (a right standing with God).

God takes no delight in the suffering of humanity. He Himself suffered enormously through the death of his son Jesus so we could one day enter a place of no suffering. That is a good God!

Service Times

Sundays 9.30am at 518 Hannan St Kalgoorlie

Kids Konnect 10am during school terms

Sundays 2pm at 26 Larkin St Kambalda