I am not sure that we have had a time in history where so many choices were available to us. We can choose to live in the city or the country. To some degree we can choose what career path to take. We can choose who to marry or whether to even marry at all! We can play soccer or Aussie Rules. We can choose religion or reject it. On a daily basis unless we have an overly health conscious spouse or parent we can choose what we want to eat.

Choice is great most of the time while at other times it causes unnecessary stress. Agonising over which of the meals to order in a restaurant can sometimes lessen the enjoyment. Choosing the next holiday destination is great but the choice of visiting relatives or just sneaking off somewhere privately can tear a bit at the heart strings. Choice in itself is something we equate with freedom even though it can actually lead to enslavement. All of us know that our choices don’t in themselves lead to freedom and in fact at times the opposite occurs. Some would have been thrilled at being able to borrow large sums of money only to wish later that that option had not been available to them.

I believe the most important choice in life we have is what we do with God’s Son, Jesus Christ. We can choose to ignore, mock or worship Him. If He is who the Bible says He is it is one decision that should not be continually put off. We can choose to face God and get what we deserve on the judgement day or we can choose to receive His great mercy and grace. The choice is very much ours. The apostle John records the words of Jesus. He said "This is the crisis we're in: God-light streamed into the world, but men and women everywhere ran for the darkness. They went for the darkness because they were not really interested in pleasing God.” (John 3:19)

Service Times

Sundays 9.30am at 518 Hannan St Kalgoorlie

Kids Konnect 10am during school terms

Sundays 2pm at 26 Larkin St Kambalda