One easy way to discredit a person’s message is to discredit the person bringing the message. We see this principle frequently in politics. If we can prove a man to be deceitful or corrupt then we don’t need to listen to that person. If we can prove a priest or preacher is corrupt it then nullifies their message.

One of the things that frustrated the religious leaders of Jesus day was that they could find no flaws or inconsistency in Him. All of His followers had either double standards or flaws but Jesus Himself was found to be without fault. Even Pilate the Roman Ruler who wiped his hands of the blood of Jesus said ‘You take Him and crucify Him. As for me, I find no charge against Him.’ Judas who betrayed Jesus had to admit ‘I have betrayed innocent blood.’

Many today dismiss the words and teachings of Jesus because they believe they are outdated. I have found that an honest look at what He taught will lead to the conclusion that His words are still truth and still just as relevant today as they were when He spoke them. People still live, still die and still need to know what their purpose is here on planet earth. If Jesus was just another historical figure with a good philosophical teaching then we can easily dismiss Him. However, if He is who He says He is and has been raised from the dead we ignore Him at our peril.

Service Times

Sundays 9.30am at 518 Hannan St Kalgoorlie

Kids Konnect 10am during school terms

Sundays 2pm at 26 Larkin St Kambalda