In a day when many have chosen to ignore or reject the Christian faith, the last twenty years have seen a great uprising in interest in spiritual issues. Daily newspapers and women’s magazines devote pages to clairvoyants and gurus who tell you what sort of day, week or year you are going to have. Though many listen in with a degree of cynicism I know a number of people who look for a word of hope from these sources.

Psychic expos are now a regular event

Psychic expos are now a regular event in many places and people believe that crystals, dolphins and various other things can bring healing and happiness in their lives. Others believe the way you face your furniture in your house can determine your future. In recent years the ancient practice of consulting spirits of those who have died have become more popular.

So why this rise in interest in spiritual matters? More and more people are becoming aware that we are not only made up of a body and soul, but we also have a spirit. Many people have had spiritual experiences in some form.

The Lord Jesus Christ had power over every other spiritual being when He walked on the earth. They were, and are still, subject to Him. Those who are hungry and thirsty can find satisfaction in a relationship with God through Jesus. He promises to give the Holy Spirit to those who ask and they will never again hunger or thirst spiritually. They will know their eternal future is secure.

Service Times

Sundays 9.30am at 518 Hannan St Kalgoorlie

Kids Konnect 10am during school terms

Sundays 2pm at 26 Larkin St Kambalda